Dear FCA Teammates,
Due to the recent developments in our local area with COVID-19, we have decided to postpone our annual “Victory Dinner” celebration until the Fall.
The new date for this event will be Sunday, September 20th. Further details will be made known over the coming months.
As a ministry, we have a heart to serve our community, schools, coaches, and athletes. With local government and Loudoun County Public Schools taking precautions to avoid the spread of this virus over the upcoming weeks, we want to make sure that families can focus on staying healthy and making any needed adjustments to their schedules caused by recent closures.
In the meantime, we invite you to join us in the following activities:
• Pray.
As a ministry, we know the power of prayer! We pray boldly knowing that God provides healing and comfort for all those who are sick or in need. We pray for peace, knowing that there is a great deal of uncertainty surrounding this situation. And most importantly we pray that everyone would know the love of Jesus Christ and salvation that comes only through Him. If you’d like to join our Loudoun FCA prayer team, please CLICK HERE and we will keep you updated with requests from our local FCA teammates.
• Serve.
Following Jesus’ example, we can look to serve people around us, especially those who are in need or are suffering. This could be in the form of volunteering at a local food shelter, assisting a neighbor who is in need, or simply offering encouragement to someone struggling with anxiety or fear. In the coming weeks, we will be sharing several opportunities to serve as we connect with ministry partners who are doing amazing work in Loudoun County.
In a time where we are encouraged to limit gathering as large groups, we can still engage with others using technology or in a small group setting. We have an opportunity to study God’s Word and spread God’s love! FCA has an abundance of materials and resources – if you know a coach or athlete who could use an encouraging word, I urge you to utilize these resources to guide them directly into Biblical truth. Check out
or sign up to receive the “
Daily Impact Play” from FCA directly to your inbox!
I want to leave you with a verse – Romans 15:13 says “I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in Him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.” My prayer is that we can be a light for Christ in our local community during this time, sharing the abundant HOPE we have in the message of the Gospel!
If you have any questions regarding this event or about FCA in general, please don’t hesitate to email me at If you know of any opportunities to serve or if you have any specific prayer requests, please reach out! And finally, remember to mark your calendars for Sunday, September 20th, so we can gather together and celebrate how God is using the ministry of FCA to “lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church!"
In His service,
Matt Diener