FCA is a club and is allowed on public school campuses as long as other clubs are allowed equally. So you need a teacher to sponsor your FCA. Pray about who to ask! The best sponsors are teachers or coaches who have a faith in Jesus and want to provide support to the students leading FCA. A sponsor who is a coach usually has access to the gym, or facilities and is excited about sports. Think of someone who cares about students and might let you use their room to meet in.
Arrange to meet in your sponsor's room, the gym or another location.
As an FCA Student Leader, you are committed to:
Additionally, FCA Staff may encourage you to: 1) attend Leadership Training in September, 2) serve as a Counselor at Power Camp (usually the 3rd week of June), 3) attend other Regional Camps or Leadership Trainings that happen throughout the year.
Meet as a leadership team in September before FCA starts. Make a calendar and plan out the following items: Day/Time of regular FCA huddle, Day/Time of regular FCA leadership meetings, Service Days, Events, Leadership Retreat
--Capture the Flag --3v3 Basketball Tournament --Volleyball Tournament
--Tailgates --Spaghetti Dinner --Christmas Caroling
--Pancake Breakfast --Invite a Guest Speaker --Hot Chocolate Party
If you lead FCA at your middle school, reach out to your high school FCA. Invite them to teach at one FCA. Likewise, if you lead High School FCA, plan to attend your corresponding MS and help out. This is a great way to build relationships!
Each year FCA Staff award two scholarships of $2000 each to outstanding students. Qualify by serving as a leader at your school, being involved at Power Camp and other camps, and representing FCA core values of Integrity, Teamwork, Serving and Excellence. For more info, email FCA Staff.
2024 Awardee
Virginia Military Institute
2024 Awardee
James Madison University
2021 Awardee
Virginia Military Institute
2021 Awardee
Air Force Academy
2020 Awardee
Boston University
2020 Awardee
2019 Awardee
2019 Awardee
2018 Awardee
Cliff is the Loudoun Area Director. He serves some Ashburn & Sterling schools. He is a former NFL player.
Cell: (703) 675-9795
email: crussell@fca.org
Barry serves some Ashburn, Purcellville & Leesburg schools. He loves football.
Cell: (703) 297-2830
email: bcates@fca.org
Jeff serves some Ashburn, Addie and South Riding schools. He is a soccer fan.
Cell: (703) 929-8331
email: jrushfca.org
To order from FCA Corporate, go here: www.fcagear.com or click the pictures below.
Mailing Address:
PO Box 1106
Leesburg, VA 20177