
At Loudoun FCA, we believe that our events link us to our community. From fundraising dinners, to camps, to gathering for prayer, each event allows us to shine the light of Christ throughout Loudoun County. There are many ways that YOU can be involved. Check back often for updates!

Events Lineup

Fields of Faith

When: October 9, 2024

Where: Independence High School

Who: All are invited!

Cost:  Free!

It's time to spark a spiritual movement for God. Christianity needs a change in momentum - students who will stand together against the pressures and temptations in our world and be a generation that is committed to reading the Bible and applying it to their lives. It's time to Get in the Game and Get in the Book!

Celebrity ProAm Tournament

When: TBD

Where:  Belmont Country Club

19661 Belmont Manor Place, Ashburn, Va

Who:  Anyone interested in a ProAm/Celebrity golf experience and learning about FCA

Check Back for Next Year's Date

7 on 7 

When: TBD

Where: TBD

Who: Football Teams

Cost:  TBD

Registration will be open at 8am, the games will start by 9am and will wrap up around 3pm. Check out the event flyer !

FCA Team Camp 

 When: TBD

Where: Freedom Center, Leesburg, VA

Who: Coaches and their Teams (high school)

The purpose of this weekend camp is to challenge locker room leadership. This will first happen on a PERSONAL level (become the leader God created you to be) and then on a TEAM level (unified by values and purpose.)

Loudoun FCA 

Power Camp 2025 

When:  TBD

Where: TBD 

Who: Boys and Girls, grades 3rd - 8th

Sports: Basketball, Cheer/Tumbling, Cross Country, Football, Soccer, Volleyball

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